Part of
Stínadla at Prague
You may find them on few places of the Old Town and mysterious Řásnovka, on walls of unkept houses, in passageways and narrow cobblestoned streets. Drawings of "hedgehog in a cage", gingko leaves, writings about Losna and Mažňák and other objects, people and events from dark alleys. Childhood's sense for mystery, friendship and adventure, as presented in popular books by Jaroslav Foglar, a boy scout leader and well-known writer living in 20th century, is still alive. "Vonts" of 80s, boys and girls inspired by his description of a strange and secretive children's organisation from a poor district, have grown out of their games, houses got new facades, secret shorcuts through houseyards are locked or changed into restaurants. But sometimes a new "hedgehog in a cage", both brain-teaser and symbol of these books, appears in a backward alley.