A view from Vraní skála to Velíz

Vraní skála ("Crow Rock") by Zdice ("Walltown") is a bit hidden among other hills at southern side of Křivoklát ("Crooklog", name of nearby castle) woods. Because of that, the view it offers may be quite striking. Almost endless forests spread northwards with isolated isles of sacred Velíz hill and iron-hearted Krušná hora ("Grind Mountain"). This green sea ripples at the south, changes into many hills and ridges sloping towards lower and more inhabited lands bordered by Brdy mountains on the other side. It is a snny day of bare winter, Dyma - a fireball-like spirit of these woods - smokes somewhere below and the old Přemyslide royal hunting forest gently reminds that is is still worth of all it's old names.